WELSUN Power is a solar power company providing solutions for Photovoltaic Technologies. Today WELSUN Power has developed capabilities of installing/Erecting and commissioning MW/KW scale power projects. It has also been providing Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services to other solar power developers. WELSUN Power has pioneered solar power company in India and has commissioned about 235 MW Land solar and 3 MW Roof top in last three years with Perfect Rays Technologies Pvt. Ltd. This state of the art technology is highly energy efficient for the end users.
WELSUN Power is committed to provide quality solutions for the growth of the solar sector in India and thus, expects to be at the forefront of the solar revolution in the country. WELSUN Power is committed to setting up large grid – connected or off-grid solar power projects across India, with the aim to deliver uninterrupted power supply across the country.
WELSUN Power portfolio of 235 MW includes 58.55 MW Solar PV in Andra Pradesh (commissioned), 28.6 MW Solar PV in Karnataka(commissioned), 54.75 MW Solar PV in Rajasthan (commissioned),11 MW in UP, 10 MW in Chattisgarh (Commissioned),15.5 MW Solar PV in Tamil nadu (commissioned), 32.45 MW in Punjab, 5 MW Uttarakhand and 20 MW in Maharastra Under execution.
WELSUN Power plans to set up portfolio of 1000 MW of solar power projects by 2025.